Peru Missions November 17 1st Report

We are in Lima , Peru, ready to begin a series of service on marriage. Our first service is Sunday morning at Iglesia Apostolica Emmanuel, where we will be speaking for the first time, sharing principles of communication in marriage. Then, tomorrow evening, will be speaking at Emmanuel Bible church in Zarate, celebrating their church’s anniversary with Pastors Jose and Raquel Vicente. There we will Wednesday and Thursday we will be doing a full Gods Blueprint for Marriage seminar at Comunidad de Fe (Community of Faith). Friday we will be speaking at Comunidad Christian Villa Club, sharing principals of a godly marriage. Sunday morning we are back at Comunidad de Fe for their regular Sunday service. And Sunday evening we will minister on marriage for our friends at the church where Stevenson and Soledad Chavez are pastors. We will leave there for the airport and the red eye flight home.

Thank you for your prayers as we continue this work of the Lord.

About Pastor Jim Dixon

Jim Dixon is a husband, father, grandfather, pastor, missionary and with his wife, Marsha, an author. Jim and Marsha are founders of God's Blueprint for Marriage, a ministry based on the experiences they had during reconciliation and restoration of their tumultuous marriage that would have ended in divorce, had it not been for God's intervention. Their marriage workshop called, not surprisingly, "God's Blueprint for Marriage" shares details of their failing marriage and, more importantly, the lessons they learned during the restoration process. Their book, "God's Blueprint for Marriage", is available through their web site, Jim is Missions and Small Groups Pastor at their church, Word of Life Fellowship. He and Marsha have a strong ministry presence in Peru, where he is a leader in the Evangelical Church of Christ of Peru, a Peruvian denomination. And Marsha is founder of Mujeres de Valor (Women of Worth), a ministry helping women in Peru find their place in service to God. They also work with Victory Bible College-Peru and Victory Fellowship of Ministries, organizations dedicated to training and supporting pastors and church leaders in that nation. Their two sons, Michael and Jeffrey, are also in ministry, Jeffrey full time as Youth Pastor of their church. Additionally they have a number of "adopted" sons and daughters, many of whom are in ministry as well. Jim is a professional storm chaser. You can hear him during severe weather in NW Arkansas on 40/29.
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